Construction project in Hagen (Wehringhausen)

2 apartment buildings, each with a total of 20 residential units

The most important facts about the property at a glance:

<li>2 apartment buildings, each with a total of 20 residential units</li>
<li>New main power supply line and new main power box in the basement</li>
<li>Pipes gas central heating replaced by copper pipes</li>
<li>Roof tiles have been renewed again and again if necessary</li>
<li>Replacement of all windows double glazing plastic</li>
<li>new house entrance</li>
<li>New mailbox</li>
<li>New bell</li>
<li>camera system</li>
<li>Entire hallway repainted</li>
<li>Partly new floors and tiles with completely renovated bathrooms</li>
<li>Partly new thermal baths</li>
<li>Facade cleaning and renovation</li>
<li>Partial refurbishment of the roof by Telekom, since a corresponding Telekom transmission dimension is available.</li>